Joint Pain in Overland Park

Joint Pain in Overland Park: #1 AMAZING Tips to Keep Your Hands Safe While Carving Your Turkey

Joint Pain in Overland Park: Tips to Keep Your Hands Safe While Carving Your Turkey

Make sure that the worst pain you feel on Thanksgiving is from indigestion, a football loss, or a fight with your family.  Every year, a surprising number of people end up in the ER after something goes wrong with a turkey. One of the top five most common injuries on Thanksgiving is hurting yourself while carving. So how do you keep your hands safe this Thanksgiving and make sure you don’t become another statistic?   Here are some safe ways to cut up your turkey.

Joint Pain in Overland ParkJoint Pain in Overland Park

Joint Pain in Overland Park: From the American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT): Safety Tips for Carving Your Turkey.

  • Don’t lose your grip on your knife by keeping the handles and cutting area dry.
  • It is important to have good lighting around the cutting area.
  • Keep all tools for cutting sharp. When carving, a sharp knife lets you use less force and makes it less likely that your knife or hand will slip. Use an electric knife if you have one.
  • Cut away from yourself. Your other hand should be on the side you’re not working on.
  • Don’t put your hand under the knife to grab the turkey slice.
  • To cut through the bones, you can use kitchen shears.


Joint Pain in Overland Park

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Joint Pain in Overland Park: A Few More Tips for Turkey Carvers

  • Make sure you know how to carve the turkey. This is not a job for someone who has never done it before.
  • Don’t let kids help carve the pumpkin. This is not the time to get kids involved in the celebrations.
  • Pay attention and keep your mind on what you’re doing; don’t let yourself get sidetracked when carving.
  • Take your time, you don’t have to rush.
  • Put a non-slip pad or a damp towel under your cutting board to keep it steady.

Joint Pain in Overland Park

Joint Pain in Overland Park: How To Treat Cuts

If you do cut yourself, wash the wound with warm soapy water right away before putting a bandage on it. If direct pressure for 10 to 15 minutes doesn’t stop the bleeding, get a ride to the ER. Even if the wound is small, you should see a doctor right away if you have numb spots or your fingers won’t move normally. This could be a sign of nerve or tendon damage.

Joint Pain in Overland Park

Have  Knee Pain in Overland Park from standing in the kitchen too long?

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If you carefully use these tips to carve your turkey, you can protect your hands and avoid having to go to the hospital this year.

Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe, eat, laugh, and enjoy the day and don’t have any joint pain in Overland Park.


Joint Pain in Overland Park

At Vitality Healing Center, we specialize in osteoarthritis treatment in Overland Park through our Advanced Arthritis Relief Protocol™ – a cutting-edge, non-surgical therapy that combines natural regenerative medicine with custom-fitted orthotics to offer patients immediate relief without the need for surgery.

We take pride in providing a comprehensive and personalized approach to your joint pain treatment, leveraging multiple treatments and addressing the underlying cause so you can get back in the game as soon as possible.


Joint Pain in Overland Park

We offer numerous services to help reduce joint pain in Overland Park. We use PRP Treatment in Overland Park that helps maximize your body’s natural healing abilities and orthobiologics in Overland Park mediated through fluoroscopy imaging and hyaluronic acid injections. All of these services are infused with our patented protocol designed to provide lasting results with no recovery time needed.

If you’re looking for regenerative medicine in Overland Park or an arthritis treatment center near Overland Park, KS, just visit 14467 Metcalf Avenue! Our experienced team offers convenient hours from Tuesday – Thursday, 8am-5pm.

 If you have any questions about our services, please call us at (913) 956-9370. We look forward to helping you find relief and getting back on track!



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