Knee Replacement in Leawood

Knee Replacement in Leawood: Top 10 Questions

Knee Replacement in Leawood: Top 10 Questions–At Vitality Healing Center, we know for numerous people experiencing persistent knee pain in Leawood and restricted movement as a result of different joint-related ailments, opting for surgery involving a knee replacement in Leawood can be a transformative choice. Surgery can be a frightening prospect, and Vitality Healing Center patients frequently have a lot of questions and worries about the procedure, recovery time, and results.


The “Top 10 Questions Patients Ask About Knee Replacement in Leawood Surgery” are included in this article to help you learn more about the procedure. We want to give you a heads-up on what to anticipate on your path to a pain-free, healthier life.


  • What is the procedure for knee replacement in Leawood, and when is it required?
  • What kinds of knee replacement surgeries are there?
  • How much time does it take to recover from knee replacement surgery?
  • What dangers and side effects come with having a knee replacement in Leawood?
  • How well does knee replacement surgery work to improve function and relieve pain?
  • How long does a knee replacement in Leawood usually last?
  • How should I get ready for surgery to replace my knee?
  • What is the course of physical therapy and post-operative care following knee replacement surgery?
  • When will it be possible for me to resume my regular activities?
  • What is the approximate cost of knee replacement surgery and will my insurance pay for it?
  • What is the purpose of knee replacement surgery and when is it required?

Knee Replacement in Leawood

Looking for Alternatives?

Think about regenerative medicine in Leawood!


  1. What is the procedure for a knee replacement in Leawood, and when is it required?

At Vitality Healing Center, we want to know if you’ve got a bum knee? No worries! Arthroplasty, aka knee replacement surgery, is like a makeover for your joint. When all else fails, and that knee pain in Leawood is just too much, it’s time to get a shiny new knee and say goodbye to the old one! That is how Vitality Healing Center can help.


  1. What kinds of knee replacement surgeries are there?

At Vitality Healing Center, we know in the world of knee replacement in Leawood, there are two main players: Total Knee Replacement (TKR) and Partial Knee Replacement (PKR). PKR is like a targeted strike, replacing only the damaged area while keeping the healthy parts intact. TKR, on the other hand, goes all-in and replaces the entire knee joint. It’s the knee makeover package deal!


  1. How much time does it take to recover from knee replacement surgery?

At Vitality Healing Center, we know recovering from knee replacement surgery in Leawood can be a challenge. Age, general health, and the type of surgery all play a role in how long it takes. But you should not give this very much concern. You’ll be up and walking with some assistance within a day or two, and back to your regular activities in six to twelve weeks. So remember to remain patient during the process.

Knee Replacement in Leawood


  1. 4. What dangers and issues come with having knee replacement surgery?

Following knee replacement surgery, there is a risk of:

  • Infection
  • Blood clot
  • Nerve damage
  • Implant failure
  • Stiffness
  • Limited range of motion

These side effects are comparatively uncommon, though, and most patients report reduced knee pain in Leawood and range of motion.


  1. How well does knee replacement surgery work to improve function and relieve knee pain in Leawood?

Ninety percent of patients report significant pain relief and improved function following knee replacement surgery, making it an extremely effective procedure for most patients. People are able to resume their regular activities and live better lives as a result.


  1. How long does a knee replacement in Leawood usually last?

While knee replacement implant lifespans vary, most contemporary designs last 15 to 20 years on average. At Vitality Healing Center, we know the patient’s age, degree of activity, and the materials used in the implant can all have an impact on how long it lasts.


Want to know what part regenerative medicine in Leawood could play in all this?


  1. How should I get ready for surgery to replace my knee?

At Vitality Healing Center, we know patients should maintain a healthy weight, participate in physical therapy prior to knee replacement in Leawood to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee, and take care of any other medical conditions that might make the procedure or recovery more difficult. Patients should also talk to their surgeon about all of their supplements and medications.

Knee Replacement in Leawood

  1. How do physical therapy and post-operative care work after knee replacement surgery?

Physical therapy, wound care, and pain management are the mainstays of post-operative care. Our personalized program at Vitality Healing Center aids in the restoration of strength, flexibility, and functionality in knee joints. After surgery, the journey starts within days and lasts for several weeks to months. Start the healing process now!


  1. How long will it take for me to be able to resume my regular activities?

Our patients are amazing after knee replacement surgery. They can gradually get back to their regular routines, such as going back to work in 6–12 weeks, and you can resume hobbies in 3–6 months. At Vitality Healing Center, get ready to unleash your healing with rest and relaxation! Grab a book and let that healing begin.


  1. Will my insurance pay for knee replacement surgery and how much does it cost?

The location, hospital fees, and surgeon experience are some of the variables that can affect the cost of knee replacement surgery. Insurance policies differ when it comes to a knee replacement in Leawood, so you should check with yours to find out how much of the costs will be paid for.

Knee Replacement in Leawood

At Vitality Healing Center, we specialize in osteoarthritis treatment in Leawood through our Advanced Arthritis Relief Protocol™. This is a cutting-edge, non-surgical therapy that combines natural regenerative medicine with custom-fitted orthotics to offer patients immediate relief without the need for surgery.
We take pride in providing a comprehensive and personalized approach to your joint pain treatment, leveraging multiple treatments and addressing the underlying cause. Basically, we want you to get back in the game as soon as possible.
Knee Replacement in Leawood 
We offer numerous services to help reduce joint pain in Leawood. We use PRP Treatment in Leawood that helps maximize your body’s natural healing abilities and orthobiologics in Leawood, including treatment mediated through fluoroscopy imaging and hyaluronic acid injections. All of these services are infused with our patented protocol designed to provide lasting results with no recovery time needed.
If you’re looking for regenerative medicine in Leawood or an arthritis treatment center near Leawood, KS, just visit us at 14467 Metcalf Avenue! Our experienced team offers convenient hours from Tuesday – Thursday from 8am-5pm.
For any questions about our services, please call us at (913) 956-9370. We look forward helping you find relief and getting back on track!
Knee Replacement in Leawood

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