shoulder pain in Overland Park

Frozen Shoulder Pain in Overland Park Treatment in 2024 at Vitality

Frozen Shoulder Pain in Overland Park Treatment in 2024 at Vitality

Taking a pill and continuing with your day is likely how you deal with unexplained joint pain in Overland Park, just like the majority of people. Pain is easy to attribute to slouching, overtraining. Or sometimes it’s simply the natural aging process. But your shoulder pain in Overland Park is one joint that demands your full attention when it wants your undivided attention.

Frozen shoulder pain in Overland Park is a condition characterized by severe joint stiffness. Persistent shoulder pain that does not appear to be caused by an injury can also be a cause. It gets better with time in some cases. You might be out of commission for a long time. However, your shoulder may never be able to move freely again.

Frozen shoulder pain in Overland Park symptoms start off mild and gradually become worse as time goes on. Problems with self-care, such as bathing and dressing, are common as the disease advances.

It can lead to impaired driving. Frozen shoulder irritation can also lead to extended sick days. These could all result in a general decline in quality of life. When shoulder pain in Overland Park persists for more than a few days, it’s critical to get medical attention without delays.

What happens when you have frozen shoulder?

On average, frozen shoulder pain in Overland Park lasts for 30 months and goes through three separate stages.

In the freezing phase, which can last anywhere from two weeks to nine months. You may experience pain and trouble sleeping on the afflicted side. This is as you begin to notice a gradual tightening of your muscles. It also causes a gradual narrowing of your range of motion.

During this time, Vitality explains that your pain will subside. Joint stiffness will become even worse. Also, loss of muscle mass around the joint is common when you can’t use it.

It may take up to three years for the joint to thaw, during which time you may feel a gradual improvement in your joint pain in Overland Park. There may also be stiffness before your joint feels normal again, though it may never be the same.

shoulder pain in Overland Park


Why does a frozen shoulder happen?

Vitality explains that frozen shoulders are notoriously difficult to diagnose. Conventional wisdom holds that stiffness develops when inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the joint triggers the formation of scar tissue.

An increased risk is observed in individuals with autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid disorders. Frozen shoulder can occur after an arm injury or surgery that restricts arm movement. Frozen shoulder is more prevalent in women experiencing menopause. Just after menopause, it almost never manifests in women younger than 40.


Evaluation and Potential Remedies

One clinical diagnosis is frozen shoulder. So, when you have  joint pain in Overland Park a physical exam is performed and his analysis of your medical history constitute the basis of the diagnosis. Although Vitality says that there is currently no test that can definitively diagnose frozen shoulder, doctors who specialize in joint pain in Overland Park can rule out other possible causes by conducting a battery of diagnostic procedures. This includes blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and X-rays.

Depending on the severity of your condition, you can choose from a variety of treatment options. Medications for pain and instructions on how to change your lifestyle are part of the treatment at Vitality. This is all during the freezing phase.

Injectable steroids, especially when administered early on, have a history of easing pain and inflammation. The gold standard treatment involves administering steroid injections and physiotherapy at the same time, according to the research.

Steroids no longer work after the freezing stage has advanced. In most cases, surgical procedures are the next available option. After Vitality tries manipulating the joint while under general anesthesia. If this is unsuccessful, Vitality may perform surgery to release the capsule surrounding the joint.

shoulder pain in Overland Park

Results can be improved through early intervention

If you get treatment for frozen shoulder early on, you have a much better chance of avoiding the most invasive procedures and having a shorter recovery time.

Vitality can assist in diagnosing shoulder problems and developing treatment plans that may alleviate your pain for a long time.

In conclusion, persistent shoulder pain in Overland Park should not be overlooked. While it’s tempting to write off joint pain as a simple result of aging or overexertion, conditions like frozen shoulder demand our attention. The gradual onset and increasing severity of symptoms can significantly impact your quality of life. From self-care to driving and work attendance.

It’s essential to seek medical attention if the pain persists for more than a few days. Remember, early diagnosis and intervention are key to managing conditions like frozen shoulder pain in Overland Park. With various treatment options available, ranging from medications and lifestyle changes to steroid injections and surgery, you don’t have to live with the pain. Don’t let your joint pain in Overland Park dictate your life. Seek help at Vitality, take control, and start your journey towards a pain-free life today.



Get Help with Shoulder Pain in Overland Park at Vitality today!

Just read these reviews!


I’m only part way through my treatment and I cannot believe the difference. I’ve been told for years that I would only find relief by getting bilateral knee replacement done. I knew eventually there would have to be a better way. I’ve seen the downside of that and I wasn’t willing to risk it. This is like a miracle!!! I had injections done years ago and while it gave some relief, it pales in comparison to what they do here. I am so glad that I waited.! It doesn’t hurt to check it out, so if you are considering knee replacement, at least talk to them here.

– Constance G.


I’m so happy I found Vitality Healing! I have knee pain from an auto accident that happened years ago. All the staff are great & here to help you get relief. I’m getting relief from pain like I never imagined without knee replacement or cortisone injections. Call, make an appointment to get informed. You have nothing to lose but your pain.

– Charles M



At Vitality Healing Center, we specialize in osteoarthritis treatment in Overland Park through our Advanced Arthritis Relief Protocol™ – a cutting-edge, non-surgical therapy that combines natural regenerative medicine with custom-fitted orthotics to offer patients immediate relief without the need for surgery.

We take pride in providing a comprehensive and personalized approach to your joint pain treatment, leveraging multiple treatments and addressing the underlying cause so you can get back in the game as soon as possible.

shoulder pain in Overland Park


We offer numerous services to help reduce joint pain in Overland Park. We use PRP Treatment in Overland Park that helps maximize your body’s natural healing abilities and orthobiologics in Overland Park mediated through fluoroscopy imaging and hyaluronic acid injections. All of these services are infused with our patented protocol designed to provide lasting results with no recovery time needed.

If you’re looking for regenerative medicine in Overland Park or an arthritis treatment center near Overland Park, KS, just visit 14467 Metcalf Avenue! Our experienced team offers convenient hours from Tuesday – Thursday, 8am-5pm.

 If you have any questions about our services, please call us at (913) 956-9370. We look forward to helping you find relief and getting back on track!

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